Under arrangementet Bady Atfanas på Cafeteateret i Oslo høsten 2014 ble det arrangert en kunstnerauksjon der inntektene gikk til Friday of Joy programmet til Palestine Trauma Center.
De var på det tidspunktet uten fast utstyr og sikker drift. Inntektene fra auksjonen har gått til å sikre videre drift og invistering i høytalere, mikrofon og annet utstyr som trengs for å nå mange barn.
En stor takk til de som bidro til kunstauksjonen! Nederst er takkebrev fra Palestine Trauma Centre.
Link til Palestine Trauma Centre:
Video om Friday of Joy programmet:
Thanks and Acknowledgment of donation
Assalamu Alaykum
On behalf of Palestine Trauma
Centre (PTC-UK), we would like to thank you for your
first donation of £2,756. 85p and second generous donation of £840. Your
gift is greatly appreciated.
Your contribution will help PTC-UK to
provide much-needed psychosocial support through PTC-Gaza for Palestinian
children and others in the Gaza Strip who have suffered and are still suffering
from war and deprivation.
The psychological scars left by conflict
and loss often leave people depressed and anxious and this affects their
future and quality of life. Sadly now, more than 400,000 children suffer psychological
problems and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) in Gaza (UNRWA’s Report
2015).The work of the Palestine Trauma Centre is invaluable and is a real
show of community support, selflessness and resilience.
Your donation will be sent to PTC-Gaza to
support one of the main projects (Friday of Joy Initiative
from 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016)
which PTC-UK supervises.
Inshaa’Allah we will keep you updated
about our activities in the Gaza Strip.
For more information about PTC-UK &
Gaza, please visit our website at
Thank you all once again for your very
generous donation at this critical time.
Yours sincerely
Dr Mohamed Altawil, PhD,CPsychol
Founder of PTC & Projects
Mr David Harrold
Chairman of PTC-UK